>>Would you guys stop talking about DCF (Document Composition Facility, 

>>5748-XX9) a.k.a. Script in the past tense?   It is still available for

>>z/OS, z/VM, and z/VSE.

> Yes, but aren't DCF, BookMaster and BookManager MVS all functionally

> stabilized?


I'll say in public: if IBM is willing to let me have the source for DCF
and Bookie, I will port it to Linux for free. I want it for my own use,
and I think there are others who feel the same. 


For all it's warts and antiquities, DCF and Bookie are still more usable
(and a darn sight better documented) than any of the Linux alternatives.
DocBook is a lame, lame piece of work by comparison. Bookie was written
by people who actually had to PRODUCE large amounts of docs. If DCF
could produce PDF directly, I'd be thrilled. 




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