DCF and Waterloo SCRIPT had a few differences in the interpretation of
the dot commands, so often macros written for one didn't work on the
other. Waterloo SCRIPT did support GML, but again, a slightly different
set of tags than DCF, so that documents written for one often looked
different on the other (or didn't format correctly). 

The key to what I want is the Bookmaster tag set, which doesn't work
with Waterloo SCRIPT. Ordinary GML is pretty boring and utilitarian;
Bookmaster is the set of specialized tags that IBM created to write
their own manuals, and the combination of a really good understanding of
what's necessary to easily create significant amounts of technical
documentation and the practicality of how to get that documentation
written is what makes the DCF+Bookie combination interesting. I can
knock out a really stunning set of docs for a product in a tiny amount
of time, and you'd never know they didn't come straight out of IBM
Information Design in POK -- it looks, smells, and feels like IBM
documentation, and better yet, it works like IBM documentation. Good
example: the OpenSolaris for z documents are created with DCF and
Bookie: the same source generates plain text, PDF (via Adobe Distiller
and the LISTPS file that comes out of DCF), HTML, and (via
Bookmaster/BUILD VM), a Library Manager compatible file. You install
them like IBM docs, they're structured like IBM docs, and they work with
the same tools that IBM docs.

(I know that IBM produces PDF versions of manuals; I have the CMS
version of DCF and the rest of the Bookmaster tools and I use them to
create my own. I just wish I could run them somewhere else, since IBM
seems hell-bent on neutering CMS into just a virtualization layer
management tool)

> I know that DocBook has been mentioned in this thread and compared
> unfavorably with DCF.  I've used both, although I haven't used DCF for

> many years.
> We recently started using DocBook on a couple of projects, and overall
> were pretty pleased with it.

I've used both as well; the comparison is closer if you compare GML to
DocBook; raw DCF is rather like raw troff macros; not for the faint of

I think the problem I have with DocBook is twofold:

1) documentation on how to USE DocBook is nigh unto nonexistent. There's
plenty of discussion about how it should work, and how various DTDs are
applied and distributed, but there's almost nothing about how you
actually *author* useful documents. Compare to Bookie: 3 page intro to
what's happening, and you're producing useful output. 

This has been changing lately, but in comparison to the Bookie user
guide, it's still very difficult to determine how to do simple things
without inordinate amounts of research. (I know, I know, write your own
damn book, but still...) If anyone knows of a good tutorial for DocBook,
I'd sure like to know about it too. The Oreilly book on DocBook is
pretty much useless, and it's the best I've seen (it's also visually
ugly as sin, which is unusual for a Oreilly book).

2) XML is much more difficult to read and parse for humans than the
simpler GML tag structure. I have editors that can do both, but if
you're hunting for some weird formatting problem, it's a LOT harder to
hunt that down in the XML files than in a flat text file with the
simpler GML tagging. It's hard to create XML with XEDIT or ISPF, but as
you say, Eclipse does a fine job. I can't run that on CMS, though (and
AFAIK, no formatters exist for DocBook on CMS or TSO). 

A side note: another nice thing about Bookie is that it easily enables
the native source file control stuff (ie CMS update) so versioning and
maintenance of the docs is a LOT simpler. XML makes that very difficult
-- you should see what a update file against a XML doc looks like after
running EXECUPDT. 8-)

I guess I should just buckle down and take the Bookie syntax definition
and write a set of macros for TeX or troff that emulate them. It'd still
be nice to have something on Linux that understands 1403 listings,

Oh, well. C'est la vie. 

-- db

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