Kees, given that the health checker still flags an exception when you place the sysplex and the CFRM CDS on the same volume, I wouldn't do it, even with PAV.
Remember that ASM doesn't support HiperPAV (as of 1.8). Meaning that there must be some sort of support in the operating system for 'special' datasets. The CDSs are certainly special. Unless this has changed, systems in the same sysplex don't serialize their access the same way a 'normal' dataset would. I have a dim recollection of there being an 'ownership' filed, that one system puts its name in, but another can go and 'steal' ownership if something takes too long. That resulted in a nasty ping pong and none of the systems ever made it past the early IPL stages (that error has been fixed). During normal operations this wouldn't be a problem, I think. But during shutdown and most especially IPL the systems need serialized access (see oa14593 from last year), and if *a lot* of systems are ipling at the same time, you might (at least) run into performance problems. I am sure some IBMer 'in the know' will give his/her input. I would strongly recommend against it, though, especially in a really 24/7 environment. Regards, Barbara -- Der GMX SmartSurfer hilft bis zu 70% Ihrer Onlinekosten zu sparen! Ideal für Modem und ISDN: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at