On Thu, 4 Dec 2008 16:16:34 -0500, Lizette Koehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>I would probably add a &LENGTH variable to account that the string length
for testing my change if you second field is longer or shorter than
expected.  It might help to add WRITE statements to see what things look
like when checking out IF tests.
>SET &LL = &LENGTH(&field)

Sorry, Lizette, but that won't work.  &SUBSTR expects start:end, not
start:length.  So perhaps
IF &SUBSTR(25:25+&LL, ...)

>Let me know if this is the logic you are trying to set up
>IF the record length is longer than 35 characters
>  Then Check to see what field is supplied in list (like SPECIAL or OPERATIONS)
>Otherwise ...

I'll also take this opportunity to point out that the OP's approach works
for users who have SPECIAL or OPERATIONS, but not for users who have both,
since he's looking only at the value starting in position 25.

And really, I'd do this kind of thing in REXX, not CLIST.  It's not safe to
look at hard-coded positions in RACF command output, and REXX is much better
at non-positional parsing of data.  Even then you can have problems, because
we do not consider the command output to be a programming interface, and it
can change unexpectedly, but it's safer to use REXX.

  Walt Farrell, CISSP
  IBM STSM, z/OS Security Design

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