The first thing I would check are the TimeMark &  ScanInterval TN3270 parms vs 
any timeout limits in any firewalls the traffic must traverse.

>>> David Logan <> 1/6/2009 3:38 PM >>>
We have been experiencing this at our shop for months. Local connections are
fine. When we logon to a mainframe on the same local network, we can stay
logged on all day. But when we logon to a mainframe across the WAN, after a
few minutes of inactivity, something times out, and it's not TSO, because
the userid stays logged on and we don't get the VTAM screen.

It's really bizarre. It doesn't happen on the AS/400 partitions or on VSE or
on VM near as I can tell. It only happens on sessions controlled by MVS
TCP/IP (with VTAM.)

David Logan
Manager of Product Development, Pitney Bowes Business Insight 
W: (720) 564-3056
C: (303) 818-8222

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