BTW I am 2nd generation 
Dr. Merrill I bow to the power...very cool...

BTW I am 2nd generation IT ......Been around computers or EDP as it was once 
called since the 50's....Mom and Dad both in the industry
Scott J Ford

From: Barry Merrill <>
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2008 12:53:24 PM
Subject: Re: Computer History Museum

In 1966 at Purdue's Labratory for Agricultural Remote Processing, LARS, later 
renamed to the Labratory for Applied Remote Sensing,
where K.S. Fu's pattern recognition algorithms were implemented and validated 
(using 16 channels of spectral data with 6 bits for
the amplitude of each channel, gathered on a DEC PDP- in a DC-3 that flew at 
2000 feet over a 5 mile long strip of Indiana fields),
we took delivery of S/360-44 serial number two (number one was in Pook).  I had 
implemented the Cooley-Tukey Fast Fourier Transform
in Fortran directly from their original paper on the University's 7090, and had 
moved it and my programming of the Karhunen-Loeve
transform using polynomial approximation for my Masters Thesis to the new Model 
44, using an AM radio to listen to the program
execution to detect when programming errors send it into a never-ending loop, 
and to hear when it went from slow to fast loops.
Diagnosis of those never-ending loops involved using address stops and single 
step instruction toggles from the console.

Twice, my program abruptly stopped, redlighting the console, and IBM engineers 
came on site, both times finding that I had actually
burned out the transistors in the floating point divide unit.  After the second 
failure, they returned with a floating point divide
unit that had been redesigned with a new heat sink added to fix the problem.

Originally, there was no disk with the Model 44, running TOS as I recall, with 
five tape drives, and the Fortran compiler was only
on tape - it took all five drives to compile and punch out the deck which was 
then read in and executed, and all five tapes were
spinning during every compile.

After writing my own program for the FFT, the Lab directory and my major 
professor, Dave Landgrebe, gave me a note from the computer
center that there was a new FFT subroutine that had been written by Tukey 
himself available from something called the SHARE library.
Upon examination, I discovered I was at
best only a coder and Tukey was a real programmer; whereas my major loop was 
250 or so Fortran statements, I marvelled at the
correct way to do it, in about 25 statements, and thus was introduced to the 
SHARE program library.

My part-time job at LARS was to create the "Ground Truth" data base, well 
before the actual flight.  On the day of the flight, the
agronomists were going to photo and measure and record the plant statistics 
from each field and then populate my database for
correlation with the spectral data, but as there was no actual field data yet, 
I created several sample fields of opium poppies and
cannibis to show the agronomists what the reports would eventually look like, 
and they were all humoroed by my samples.  However,
one Saturday afternoon the campus police showed up at my apartment and told me 
I was urgently needed at LARS and took me there; it
seems that the U.S. State Department had been discussing with their Turkish 
counterparts the future possibility of using the LARS
programs to detect those crops, but had assurred the Turks that the project was 
still in its infantcy, and had not been trained on
any of those crops.  Unfortunately, one of the agronomists had shown the Turks 
one of my sample reports, so they assumed they were
being lied to by the State Dept rep, who dragged me out to the site to meet 
with the Turks and, finally, having accepted that I was
the author and just a college student programmer, they did finally realize this 
was just a joke.

The Ground Truth was written in FORTRAN II, which did not have character 
literals; to print CORN, I had to set the variable CORN
equal to 
the decimal value that, when written with A4 (as I recall) format, would print 
CORN, etc., for each text value.  Just as I finished,
Fortran IV became available.

Merrilly Christmas

Herbert W. Barry Merrill, PhD
Merrill Consultants
MXG Software
10717 Cromwell Drive
Dallas, TX 75220
214 351 1966 tel
214 350 3694 fax

P.S. I first programmed a digital computer, an IBM 610 in September, 1959 as a 
Sophomore at the University of Notre Dame; who of you
all will I have to outlive to claim to have been programming digital computers 
longer than anyone else?? 

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