   You are correct that some of the 9672's had "water cooling". It started at 
the top of the range (cannot remember which model). If I remember correctly it 
was used for all models on later ranges. I could find out if anyone wants to 
   I put "water cooled" in quotes because it depends what you mean.
   There is the case of a water enclosed system that chills the air before it 
is passed over the CPU s. This can be called water cooled, but no water passes 
to the CPU packaging. This is what appeared in the 9672's.   
   This compares to the old "water cooled" processors, like 3090's, where the 
water actually flows through the CP module. I am not aware of anything like 
this being used on the latest processors.  
   It depends if you would really call the first a water cooled system.
   The rumour needs to be clarified on what exactly they are implying.
   If I have time I will research and give the full picture.
Terry Draper
zSeries Performance Consultant
mobile:  +966 556730876

--- On Mon, 2/2/09, Hunkeler Peter (KIUK 3) <> 

From: Hunkeler Peter (KIUK 3) <>
Subject: Re: Z11 - Water cooling?
Date: Monday, 2 February, 2009, 8:17 AM

>With the z9 EC, IBM used what they called "hybrid cooling."  

The first z/Architecture machines (zSeries 900) already had them.
Didn't remember if the latest 9672 also had MCU's but a quick
search showed that at least some of the 9672 G5 and G6 models
also had a "closed loop liquid cooling system".

Peter Hunkeler
Credit Suisse

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