Hi. We are migrated from ZOS 1.6 to ZOS 1.8 with DB2 7.10 and we are getting an abend 04E with Reason code 00E20003 at the BIND.
------------------------------------------------------------------ 1READY DSN SYSTEM (DSNT) DSN BIND PACKAGE(CDDTCBAT) QUALIFIER(WDSIGADM) PATH (HDSIGSTP,HDGRCSTP,HDCRMSTP) LIB('DDTCDB2.DBRMLIB') ACT(REP) ISOLATION(CS) RELEASE(COMMIT) VALIDATE(BIND) MEMBER( DTCLDCFE ) ; IKJ56641I DSN ENDED DUE TO ERROR+ IKJ56641I SYSTEM ABEND CODE 04E REASON CODE 00E20003 PSW 077C10009DE825BC ASIDS: HOME = 0051 PRIMARY = 0048 SECONDARY = 0048 -------------------------------------------------------------------- This problem not occurred with ZOS 1.6 ... I know that is a management storage ( CSA, ECSA ) but I can see whith SYSVIEW and RMF/ISPF that Do not have problem with CSA. And can not find one similar report on the web... anyone has any help for me? Thanks Alvaro. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html