Kees Vernooy writes:
>This will only synchronize the time between the boxes, not
>with the 'real'time. I suppost the windows/unix server is
>synchronized with the 'real' time and the OP want to synchronize
>his z/ system to the real time this way, which is not possible

Good point. Yes, agreed.

It depends on what the original poster wants. If he wants time consistency
across systems -- to the degree NTP can provide consistency anyway -- then
System z as master NTP server, even without STP, will accomplish that. (And
a lot of organizations run that way.) The System z clock is much better
than what you'd find in most distributed UNIX and Windows servers, and if
the occasional manual adjustment is OK this all works fine. (Running on UTC
is also a good idea.)

If he wants the System z hardware clock to maintain "true" time, whether
obtained via NTP or other time source (e.g. NIST dial-up), then he will
need STP.

It is possible for one, some, or all Linux guests running on System z to be
NTP clients without STP. But their "time scope" will only be within the
individual Linux instances. They won't be setting and resetting the System
z master hardware timeclock.

It may be possible to do the same for other mainframe operating systems.
For example, it may be possible to take the NTP client code, tweak it
slightly, compile it for z/OS, authorize it, and have it fiddle with the
clock. Again, that's probably just for that instance of z/OS where it's
running. One would also have to do a bit of thinking before authorizing
such a clock-adjusting program.

- - - - -
Timothy Sipples
IBM Consulting Enterprise Software Architect
Based in Tokyo, Serving IBM Japan / Asia-Pacific
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