Steve Comstock wrote:
Bill Klein wrote:
I may be missing something, but if you know at compile-time (when you can
set an environment variable) that you want the "output" to go to SYSOUT, why are you using "files" (with OPEN, WRITE, etc) and not just doing a DISPLAY
statement?  Either that or call CEEMSG.

I think those are "more normal" ways in COBOL to send output to SYSOUT.

"David Speake" <> wrote in message
I have used dynamic allocation via the environmental variables in COBOL.
Thanks to Steve Comstock and others for getting me started.
But I see nothing about SYSOUT and it says a DSN is required.
My need is for a //X DD SYSOUT=(B,SMTP)


He's not really sending things to a true SYSOUT file, but to an
email server. However, you could do such a thing by hardcoding
the DD name and opening the file, writing, then closing, and
then re-opening; each file should be sent separately.

Just leave a single DD statement, //MAILOUT  DD  SYSOUT=(B,SMTP)
if you like. No need for dynamic allocation at all.

Don't have time to test right now. I will if I get a chance later.

OK. Today I took some time and tested it. Works like a champ; it
just wasn't clear on the original post that the intent was to go
to SMTP.

So I wrote some code that sends 10 records to each entry in
a table of email addresses. The essential logic is:

open mailout
write email header records
write 10 data records
  (get input data record,
   write it out) - 10 times
write email trailer records
close mailout

repeat that in a loop for each email addressee you have.

No need for dynamic allocation. Happy to send the code to
anyone who requests it.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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