
> Is it possible to get contact information for your customer that successfully 
set this up?

There's no point. When I said "we", I was supporting the principle that it was 
a joint effort given that the nature of the engagement was "best efforts" 
rather than "performance". However I have been responsible for all the 
technical input to the project. Supersession was working before the project, it 
continued working as each VTAM was enhanced with fully considered APPN 
definitions and finally had subarea definitions removed. It lacks now only a 
final change of one VTAM in one of the production sysplexes from being a 
Network Node to an End Node which depends on some channel-to-channel 
definitions being put in place.

So you see this has nothing to do with Supersession, which is SNA/VTAM 
business-as-usual, but everything to do with understanding the topic and 
planning - as I said before.

Another reason my precise customer experience may not be suitable is that 
you are involved with retiring your 3745s whereas my customer had already 
done that and, when I came on the scene, has a rather untidy mix of subarea 
and APPN - the latter caused by having added a few more VTAMs to the 
subarea, now ICN, VTAMs. If something worked, fine, if not, "tant pis", they 
were lucky - that word again! - there were no showstoppers.

> I would like to get our VTAM systems programmer to work with your 
customer if possible.

I always find it better to talk directly to the person who is experiencing the 
problem. Shouldn't it be your "VTAM systems programmer" who is making the 

> ... but now he is struggling with CL/Supersession.

It might be best if each specific problem is presented, sense codes and all[1].

> Do you remember if you had to convert all the APPLIDs to use APPC=YES?

This somewhat shatters the presumption that you - or your "VTAM systems 
programmer" - has the education necessary to undertake the task even of 
maintaining the current subarea network. I detect a case of precipitate
[2] "letting go" here.

The purpose of APPC=YES is to authorize the use of an API provided by VTAM 
which goes some way to implementing the functions which should be provided 
by a full implementation of LU type 6.2. In specific terms it enables the use 
the APPCCMD macros which can be found documented in the Communications 
Server (CS) SNA Programmer's LU 6.2 Guide and CS SNA Programmer's LU 6.2 

It would be wrong to say that there is no connection between LU 6.2 and 
APPN. Because of its ancestry APPN, more specifically Low Entry Networking 
(LEN) from which APPN evolved, is most comfortable with LU type 6.2 sessions 
but APPN has provision for LU types which are not LU type 6.2. APPN employs 
LU type 6.2 for the LU to LU sessions which APPN uses for the services it 

You know you need to define APPC=YES when the documentation for the 
application says you need to use it. It will be because the application uses 
VTAM APPCCMD API. You do not specify APPC=YES for any other reason.

Also, in order to prevent another possible trap: you do not necessarily need to 
specify APPC=YES whenever you know an application uses LU type 6.2. The 
most famous example of an application subsystem which supports LU type 6.2 
but does not use the APPCCMD API is CICS. In effect, the APPL statement for 
CICS uses the specification APPC=NO!

I wondered if you could do any harm by specifying APPC=YES. Probably not. If 
APPC=YES is specified, the default value for the PARSESS operand changes. If 
I thought long and hard about this I might be able to work out that it could 
cause mischief.

Incidentally, should you take a look at the table of contents in the CS SNA 
Programmer's LU 6.2 Guide manual, you'll find a section entitled "VTAM as a 
session manager". No, it's still got nothing to do with Supersession!

> Since we didn't define anything in ISTAPNCP it can't locate the APPLID.

This is probably the most obvious indication that neither you nor your "VTAM 
systems programmer" have prepared yourselves for the task of enabling APPN 
in your VTAMs. It is not for a user to define anything in ISTAPNCP. VTAM 
defines ISTAPNCP in the following terms, taken from the first "hit" for 
ISTAPNCP in the CS SNA Resource Definition Reference manual:


ISTAPNCP is a generic representation for an APPN CDRM.


What ISTAPNCP does is provide a placeholder where VTAM knows it should 
switch from using subarea session setup procedures in conjunction with other 
VTAMs in the subarea network to use APPN session setup procedures when 
routing the request which is used to initiate sessions, generally referred to 
*searching*. If the attempt to set up the session starting from within what 
this VTAM views as the APPN network, the process can continue with 
additional other VTAMs in the subarea network. The SORDER start option is 
particularly important in determining where the ISTAPNCP placeholder is 
positioned in whatever list of other VTAMs in the subarea network is 
developed in order to support the session setup process.

Clearly you can read on from here in the CS SNA Network Implementation 
Guide and the CS SNA Resource Definition Reference for the details.

It's conceivable you may need extra help. If so, please post what you 
observe, especially as reported by the VTAM which owns the resource which 
is attempting to initiate the session. For example, a group of messages 
starting with IST663I and ending with IST314I can often be found.

You should be aware of the following also with regard to ISTAPNCP from the 
CS SNA Network Implementation Guide:


Resources automatically activated by VTAM

Certain internally maintained resources are automatically activated by VTAM 
when the message “VTAM INITIALIZATION COMPLETE” is issued. These 
resources can be displayed, but cannot be activated or deactivated by an 
operator. The following resources are automatically activated:

- ...
- VTAMSEG application program major node:
-- ...
-- ...
- ...


You can ignore this manifestation of ISTAPNCP.

Useful background which I think you probably need in order to prepare yourself 
for enabling APPN in VTAM is contained in the following two redbooks:

I expect you - and your "VTAM systems programmer" - will need most of the 
first volume and maybe some of the second depending on how adventurous 
you become!

Chris Mason

[1] If that appears to have the echo of a well-known phrase, it's intentional!

[2] I had another word in mind originally but, bearing in mind this is a public 
forum, for diplomatic reasons, I have watered it down!

On Tue, 2 Jun 2009 09:23:52 -0700, John Au <> wrote:

>Thanks for confirming the compatibility of Supersession and APPN.  Is it
>possible to get contact information for your customer that successfully
>set this up?  I would like to get our VTAM systems programmer to work
>with your customer if possible.  I passed the information you provided
>in setting up APPN/EE to him and he was able to get APPN working, but
>now he is struggling with CL/Supersession.  Any help you can provide
>would be most appreciated.
>John Au
>-----Original Message-----
>From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [] On
>Behalf Of Chris Mason
>Sent: Monday, June 01, 2009 4:43 PM
>Subject: Re: CL/Supersession and APPN
>The customer with which I work from time to time uses Supersession. It
>continued to work without any difficulties while we changed the
>SNA architecture from subarea ("cross-domain") to APPN without any
>difficulties whatsoever.
>Do you have any specific concerns?
>Incidentally, a systems programmer there has even researched using VTAM
>generic resources with Supersession with success. We hope to put that
>production in the near future all in support of the general objective of
>introducing redundancy in support of continuous availability.
>It's not down to luck but understanding and planning!
>Chris Mason
>On Mon, 1 Jun 2009 14:21:05 -0500, John Au <> 
>>We are trying to get CL/Supersession to work with APPN and not using
>>VTAM Cross Domain facilities.  We would like to phase out our Front end
>>processor (3745).  Has anyone had any luck doing this?

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