Hi Folks,

I am working for a company who are implementing a POSIX application on zOS 
and, as a zOS sysprog, I am struggling with a couple of issues. Whilst I am 
getting into the USS manuals, I thought I would see if anyone has already 
been through this pain and maybe get a few dumb questions answered before 
I go bog-eyed?

I'm not slagging off USS as right now, I don't know enough to either praise or 
criticise it. It is just different to everything I have come across before in 
insular,comfy and well worn slipper-like MVS career.

Our application runs as 10 or more POSIX processes under USS.  We use an 
Application Management task to start/stop and own the processes so our first 
address space is Appl Mgmnt and all subsequent processes assume this name 
via exporting a _BPX_JOBNAME parameter. Unfortunately, right now I don't 
seem to be able to get much further than all the processes taking the same 
name as exported via _BPX_JOBNAME associated with Appl mngmnt with 
1,2,3,4, etc appended as a suffix. Whilst this an improvement on userid/suffix, 
it still doesn't allow me to identify the process via a useable name. What I'd 
like to see is each process be given a unique name to identify the actual 
process that is running.

Because all the processes are started via appl mngmnt, when I added a 
_BPX_JOBNAME to each startup script, this was ignored and the 
_BPX_JOBNAME allocated to app mngmnt used for all subsequent processes.

The Application Management task is obviously required for our application on 
other platforms but I would have thought that on Z we already have 
everything that our App mngmnt task does. If I was to remove app mngmnt, 
could I sub JCL via OPC/TWS or by automation?

So here goes with a few Dumb questions:

1) The processes show as STC so I assume there must be JCL behind them?

2) If so, how can I see this JCL as looking via SDSF(PS) I see nothing. When I 
look at the startup process, all I see is a shell script?

3) Do/can USS processes run under JES control? (I assume not as we have 
sometimes two or three processes with the same name which is a no-no in Z)

4) Can OPC/TWS sub/control tasks to USS? 

I did warn you these were dumb questions but any/all ideas, tips, tricks and 
gotchas would be most welcome even if they are just pointing me to specific 
topics in the manuals.

Many thanks to anyone inclined to respond.

In the meantime, I will search the archives to see if any of these dumb 
questions have been answered before.


Rob Lister
Technical Consultant
ACI Worldwide Limited


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