Sorry to take this thread on a side road so early but ... Wayne, this may benefit you as you may decide to rethink using VTS.
I've see quite a few sites mention that they use VTS (or other virtuals) to manage their ML2 volumes. Is this a realistic thing to do? To perform a single dataset recall you must first stage the entire ML2 volume to cache. This may cause other files to be bumped from cache as the HSM migration volumes are usually FULL volumes. Only after the volume is successfully staged may HSM begin the recall. At a minimum, this will take twice the I/O traffic, plus it may impact what is currently resident in the VTS cache. If you have a virtual library you more than likely have an automated library. Why not simply use the automated library for ML2? Dan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at