You can use the OFFLOAD program from CBT file 093 (
to create a sequential file (flat PDS) of all members.

John K

<snip from Lynn Wheeler's Green Card>

ANSI (ASA) Control Characters (RECFM=FBA)

Code   Action before printing                      Code  Stacker
blank  Space 1 line                                 V       1
0      Space 2 line                                 W       2
-      Space 3 line                                 X       3
+      Suppress space                               Y       4
1      Skip to channel 1 (line 1 on new page)       Z       5
2      Skip to channel 2
3      Skip to channel 3
4      Skip to channel 4
5      Skip to channel 5
6      Skip to channel 6
7      Skip to channel 7
8      Skip to channel 8
9      Skip to channel 9
A      Skip to channel 10
B      Skip to channel 11
C      Skip to channel 12


IBM Mainframe Discussion List <> wrote on
06/18/2012 12:56:37 PM:

> From: Kirk Wolf <>
> To:
> Date: 06/18/2012 12:57 PM
> Subject: IEBPTPCH questions
> Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <>
> I haven't used this beast since last century.... I can't quite figure out
> couple of things:
> 1) is there a way to PUNCH all members of an FB/80 source PDS and NOT
> prepend each record with an ASA or M control characters?    I'm seeing
> output as FBA/81 with the character "V" as the ASA control character,
> doesn't make much sense.
> 2) Does anyone know if I specify DISP=SHR on SYSUT1 for a PDS if there is
> data integrity problem if another job adds a member or even compresses
> PDS?
> Thanks!
> Kirk Wolf
> Dovetailed Technologies
> PS>  Maybe there is another utility that efficiently gets a flattened
> version of a source PDS?

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