On 5 Aug 2012 18:20:33 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main you wrote:

>So what's a wooden paddle ?

The OS/MVT project had as its symbol an oar or paddle because by the
time I joined the project IBM had dropped support (or was going to).
Thus we had to "paddle our own canoe" or we were up the creek without
a paddle.  Dr. Robert Rannie described the looks he got carrying the
official paddle through Saks Fifth Avenue in Boston going between
session in the outlying hotel and the headquarters hotel.  He was
dressed in suit and tie so I suspect store staff didn't know what to
make of the situation.  The paddle was probably festooned with data
cell strips hanging off it.

Thus when the project published a set of suggested modifications (many
of them zaps) and improvements, the manual was called "The Wooden

I just googled wooden paddle MVT and got one place where you can get a
machine readable copy, http://www.cbttape.org/mvtturnkey.htm along
with all of MVT and Hercules.   Thanks Sam Golob, Sam Knutson, Jay
Maynard and many others.  Public domain software predated the PC.

Clark Morris
>Scott ford
>On Aug 3, 2012, at 4:57 PM, Clark Morris <cfmpub...@ns.sympatico.ca> wrote:
>> On 3 Aug 2012 11:51:50 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main you wrote:
>>>> Pehaps he could send it to the Computer History Museum, on the
>>>> condition that it not be used until the copyrights expire?
>>> As one of Al Kossow's little minions, I say yes, please.
>>> CHM works with IBM and the other computer companies, and they do get
>>> commercial software out into the public, usually under some
>>> non-commercial license. However, as you can guess, these things take
>>> time, especially with a conservative company like IBM. But as we know
>>> with software preservation, time is the enemy.
>>> CHM and bitsavers can accept interesting old software, and just keep
>>> it in the protected archive until some deal is worked out.
>> I may still have a copy of the "Wooden Paddle".  I also have various
>> old 1401< IBM 705 Autocoder and Honywell 800 manuals among others.
>> When I pass on can I just tell my heirs and assigns to just pack them
>> all up and send them to the Computer History Museum?
>> Clark Morris

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