On Wed, 15 Aug 2012 12:51:47 -0400, Dave Salt <ds...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>Customizing the ISPF menu (ISR@PRIM) can lead to problems if people forget to >update it when IBM makes changes to it. [...] If you package your changes in a USERMOD, it's not a big risk. Notwithstanding full system replacement deliveries, you'll know when it needs to be reviewed. At that, if you have even mildly astute system programmers, this is reviewed and carried forward at upgrade intervals. I never found this a hardship. In my travels, FWIW, I got a lot more guff from end-users being forced extra keystrokes and a front-end menu than I did from fellow sysprogs who had to review one of a dozen or more USERMODs once every year or two. I've had more pitfalls with programmers replicating and customizing panels in their own libraries - and there's no stopping it. If you're going to insert ISP@MSTR in front of ISR@PRIM, you'd do well to notify and give your applications teams sufficient time to review and update any batch ISPF jobs. Regards, Art Gutowski Compuware Corporation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN