thanks very much to Ned Gerhart for this reflection 2011 r2 macro interface to 
lookat .. it will work 
with 2008 but works much better with 2011 r2..

now the rd2x macro for 2011r2

Sub LookatZOSmsg()
    Dim msg As String
    Dim sr As ScreenRegion
    Set sr = ThisIbmScreen.Selection
    If sr.StartColumn = 0 Or sr.StartRow = 0 Then
        'no selection - prompt for msg
        msg = InputBox("Enter the message id:")
        If msg = "" Then Exit Sub  'canceled inputbox
        'get selected text from screen
        msg = ThisIbmScreen.GetText(sr.StartRow, sr.StartColumn, (sr.EndColumn 
- sr.StartColumn) + 1)
    End If
    'MsgBox msg
    'Create a new WebControl object...
    Dim wc As WebControl
    'this GUID value is found in the .net help for WebControl
    Set wc = 
    'Cause the WebControl to be visible in a View in the Reflection Workspace 
    Dim wv As View
   Set wv = thisFrame.CreateView(wc)
    'set url for the WebControl...
 & Trim(msg)
    'Saving the WebControl document like this and setting the title text avoids 
having "untitled"
    'appear on the tab text for the view...If you have windows7, and the 
Reflection documents
    'are saved in the default location, this will work...
    wc.SaveAs Environ("USERPROFILE") & 
    wv.titleText = "LookAt for z/OS V1R12.0"
End Sub

I did this .ebm one for Extra!Xtreme .. 
Sub Main
           Dim Sys As Object, Sess As Object, MyScreen As Object, MyArea As 
Object, rcx As String
        Set Sys = CreateObject("EXTRA.System")
' Assumes an open session
        Set Sess = Sys.ActiveSession
        Set MyScreen = Sess.Screen

        ' This will return the coordinates of the area selected in the 
        ' current session. Note, that if nothing is selected the area 
        ' will be empty, i.e., its coordinates will all be -1.
        Set MyArea = MyScreen.Selection
        MyString$ = MyString$ + "Left = " + Str$(MyArea.Left)

        MyString$ = MyString$ + "; Right = " + Str$(MyArea.Right)
        MyString$ = MyString$ + "; Top = " + Str$(MyArea.Top)
        MyString$ = MyString$ + "; Bottom = " + Str$(MyArea.Bottom)
'       MsgBox MyArea
        rcx$ = Mid$ ( MyArea, 1, 40 )
'        MsgBox rcx
        shell("\program files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"+rcx)
End Sub

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