John Norgauer wrote:

>We are experiencing Cobol program abending on z/OS 1.11.

>Programs are compiled and linked with 20 year old Cobol subroutines. When we 
>were running on z/OS 1.9, there were no problems compiling and re-linking. 
>Programs executed successfully.

>Now on our z/OS 1.11 system, when we compile and re-link these same programs 
>they abend in the 20 year old Cobol routine with a U4052 abend.

Please post full messages.

>Any ideas?  Do you think the old COBOL sub-routine should be re-compiled?

What are these sub-routines doing? Are they called as static or as dynamic? Are 
they compiled into separate modules or inside the main program?

When you're compiling, what set of LE libs and macros are you using?

How are you running your progs? In Batch or in CICS or where?

In such a case of Uxxxx abend, I would recompile all and everything on a 
sandbox and run them all on the same sandbox. If there is no problem the 
problem is perhaps in the environment.

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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