AFAIK, this will not work. Proceed at your own risk.  The issue is GRS 
communication between the XCFLOCAL (or MONOPLEX) and SYSPLEX.

If you have MIA/MIM from CA, this (again AFAIK) will allow what you have 

Any real world experiences on bringing up a system that was previously part of 
a basic SYSPLEX, whilst keeping it in the same GRS ring as the other SYSPLEX 

The idea is to bring up this system in XCFLOCAL mode, but I'd still like to 
have it in the same GRS ring as before (for access to the shared DASD).

I'm aware of the SYSPLEX bits in ICHRDSNT - they won't be an issue as a 
different RACF database will be used.

Any obvious gotchas from the GRS point of view?

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