I understand your statement, but for our environment, there are some different
considerations to make.

For example: the programs we are writing are not stand-alone (main) programs, but sub-programs, written in ASSEMBLER, PL/1 or C, that have to fit into a very
sophisticated and complicated (40 year old) framework, which, for example,
cannot tolerate it, if the modules below it do exception handling of their own. All exception handling is done in the framework. The features that are allowed, for example, in PL/1, are very limited, so that the PL/1 modules behave correctly below the framework. In the beginning there was ASSEMBLER only, then in 1980,
PL/1 was added as second language, then in 1993 ca. C as third language.
We didn't allow C++ until today. I'm with this company since 1988 and was
involced in the C integration, but I started there as an ASSEMBLER teacher.

Another example for the restrictions imposed by the architecture: the parameter passing mechanisms are also limited, for example, no PL/1 descriptors. This was a deliberate design decision in 1980 - the architects then wanted to make sure that all modules can call each other, regardless of language, and that a caller needs not know the language of the module he or she is calling. The descriptions of the module interfaces are written in a language independent way (in a data dictionary), and the language specific definitions (normally structure definitions in macros or include files)
are generated from there - for all three languages.

While this worked very well for us the last 40 years (and still does), we have a new system which inherited part of that software and has some new parts, and there is another kind of framework, with much less power and also much less restrictions. Because there are no restrictions, there are also some parts written in C++. And now, what happens?
We suddenly have all sort of problems:

- performance problems due to RENT option and WSAs (needed by C++, not needed
in the old system, where all was naturally reentrant)

- storage management problems, due to lack of storage management routines in the framework

- lack of DB read/write and communication services in the framework, so that the modules have to do basic services themselves; this leads to enormous development costs, and the same work is done many times - the communication does not work in big teams
which are not located at the same site.

Not all of these problems are due to the usage of C++, but many of these problems
have their origin in

- lack of function in the application framework

- absence of programming standards, which is a killer, if you have many hundred developers (in the old system, the programming standards where enforced by compilers etc.; this is the only way it works) - you have all sort of programming styles, which are not always
compatible, all sorts of interfaces, design patterns etc.

etc. etc.

My strong opinion is: things that may work well in small teams and small projects (some ten developers), will not work for projects which involve some hundreds or thousands of developers. In such a case you need other techniques and you must be much more restrictive concerning your programming tools and languages. Our old system only succeeded for such a long time (40 years until now), because of the strong programming standards and the powerful framework that hosted the applications.

Of course there are some drawbacks:

- you must be able to adopt the framework at new requests (which we did, for example:
integrate DB2, LE, MQS etc.)

- you must train the people to code applications for your spezialized framework (there is some learning curve for new people coming from outside); so you have to have a strong training department - which we had at least the first 35 years -
we don't have it now, because management believes that the old system dies
until 2016 - but this is not possible as it seems today, because it still does 95 percent
of the business, and the new system only 5.

- you need some smart people to support the framework (this gets more and more difficult, because the people who do this now will retire in the next years)

Well, we'll see what the future brings. At the moment, the old system is alive and well, and the new system sucks. Although the new system does only 5 percent of the work, it comsumes most of the programming staff and much more machine power than the
old system.

Kind regards


Am 18.09.2012 07:40, schrieb David Crayford:
I consider C++ a much safer language than C, wrt to both string handling and memory management. In fact, I find it difficult to fathom why anybody would still write C code when C++ is such a superior language. Strong typing alone is worth the effort. Memory leaks in C++ code are almost always due to a bad design. The RAII idiom is widely accepted as standard practice these days - resources are allocated in the constructor and destroyed in the destructor. This also makes them exception safe. C++ also has proxy based garbage collection in the form of smart pointers http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_pointer#C.2B.2B_smart_pointers. There is a space and time trade-off but it's certainly worth it.

Debugging memory leaks in LE is trivial with the HEAPCHK runtime option. It will produce a CEEDUMP when the program terminates with a trace of all memory allocations that have not been freed, with function name, offset, module name, storage address and length etc.

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