In order to follow z196 Technical Guide, chapter "3.4.9 Reserved
processors" of the book says:

 "Reserved CPs can be defined to a logical partition dynamically to allow
for nondisruptive image upgrades"

-- I understand that first you must have defined the *n* reserved
processors you might want.

Yesterday I defined initial the zIIP so the engine must be online after
IPL, but operations staff only does activate over the lpar so this morning
the engine wasn't available.

My question is in the other hand if you define reserved processors if is
needed to deactivate/activate the lpar as on initial engines.

2012/10/2 R.S. <>

> W dniu 2012-10-02 09:20, Alvaro Guirao Lopez pisze:
>  Hi listers,
>> Can I add a zIIP processor dynamically in one single z/OS image?
> It depends.
> Assuming proper palnning, YES, you can.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> --
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Un saludo.
Álvaro Guirao

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