On 11/14/2012 3:28 PM, Jim Mulder wrote:
Ed - In our environment it didn't work. They said it wouldn't work
and for us it didn't. That's all I know.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU
] On Behalf Of Edward Jaffe
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: Z196 and z/OS 1.4

On 11/12/2012 10:13 PM, Andre Massena wrote:
Some bits need to be massaged (STCP) but all "old" releases of z/OS
OS/390 for that matter will run under z/VM.

They said it would not work. But, we run z/OS 1.4 under z/VM 6.1 on a

   One of the issues with running z/OS 1.4 on a z10 or higher is that
the format of the MP Adjustment Factors changed on the z10, and the
SRM code to deal with that change was not rolled back to z/OS 1.4.
My recollection was that you would see a reoccurring 0C9 abend
in SRM.  However, depending on how z/VM virtualizes MP
Adjustment Factors, this might be kind of issue that can
be masked by VM.  Or, if you only have one CPU defined
to a virtual machine, then the number of MP Adjustment Factors may
be zero, in which case the format doesn't matter.

   We don't test the hardware/software combinations that we don't support.
That means:

1. There may be some issues that we know about that
    will prevent it from working under some circumstances.
    And under other circumstances, it may be possible
    to bypass some of these issues.

2.  There may be issues that we don't know about that
   will prevent it from working.

   When I am asked if an unsupported/untested combination will
work, I try to stick to just describing the issues I know about,
and avoid stating whether it will or will not work.

   On the z196, the was a change in TLB implementation that
caused a delayed access exception machine check during z/OS IPL
when z/OS turned on the common segment bit in in a valid
segment table entry.  This was a z/OS bug which went all the
way back to MVS/XA, but machines prior to the z196 let us
get away with it.  I don't remember how far back this fix was
provided, but almost surely not back to z/OS 1.4.

I love those little insights and war stories. Thanks, Jim.

Jim Mulder   z/OS System Test   IBM Corp.  Poughkeepsie,  NY


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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