On 11/12/2012 06:23 AM, McKown, John wrote:
Good point. My desire is specific: use Co:Z Data Set Pipes' "todsn" command to write each
file in a subdirectory onto its own virtual tape. So your considerations for VOL=REF and the like
are not important for my usage needs. And is why I can't easily use JCL. I don't know, when I run
the UNIX script, exactly what files will be in the subdirectory. I only know that they should be
compatible with being used as part of a z/OS sequential data set name. I do some really unusual
(aka "weird") things.
Oh, well, continue to use CA-1's ISPF interface manually, I guess. <blech/>
Does "todsn" produce any "sysout" type output. If so is it parsible with
REXX or in your case probably Perl to produce a CA-1 batch job
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