Timothy Sipples wrote:

<post begins>
I don't see any cause for alarm on servers, including on z/OS. To the
extent the applet runtime environment is modified for security reasons
I expect the server implementations to get updated for behavioral
consistency, but it's no emergency in my view. Unless you make it a
habit of affirmatively downloading Java programs from unknown sources
and running it with limited or no external controls on the Java
runtime. In which case you're already in trouble, particularly if
you're using an operating system
and Java implementation that the author of the malicious program
anticipated and tested.
<post ends>

to which my response is mixed.  It is certainly true that nothing can
be done to protect those who have "little or no external controls on
the Java runtime" in place.

It is also true that "alarm" is not in itself a constructive response
to any problem.

Still, the tenor of this post is almost dismissive; and that is, I
think, inappropriate.  What is needed is an intermediate-level
response, one that falls between alarm and business as usual.

It is also worth noting explicitly that Java is not intrinsically more
problematic than other vehicles.  It is the ubiquity of Java that
makes this exploit so serious.

Java was designed and initially implemented in a better, albeit naif
time.  The notion that systems must be designed and implemented
defensively, that malicious attempts to corrupt or destroy them will
be frequent, was not yet understood (and has not yet been fully

I have recently been discussing this issue with my very young
students, using a book by Rufus Isaacs, Differential games, to do so.

Isaacs, long ago at the RAND Corporation,. pioneered the notion that
the best way for aircraft A to avoid midair collisions with aircraft B
is for A to proceed from the assumption that B is trying to ram him.
Isaacs then went on to develop a mathematical theory of games of
pursuit and evasion that is more than just suggestive for problems of
this kind.

John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA

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