Hi Kees,

I'm following this thread. (Learning a lot doing this...)

Whare can I find more about  'phantom load' and 'capping pattern'?
Didn't find these terms in de 2 WLM manuals you mentioned earlier:

SA22-7602-19    z/OS V1R12.0 MVS Planning Workload Management
SA22-7999-06    z/OS V1R12.0 Planning for Subcapacity Pricing

(I am at R12, so I looked in the R12 manuals)


On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 4:00 PM, Vernooij, CP - SPLXM <kees.verno...@klm.com
> wrote:

> Yes, LPAR Clusters are IRD managed groups of LPARs.
> Don't forget to read about Weight in relation to 'phantom load' and
> 'capping pattern', to avoid erratic Lpar performance.
> I always like to have a monitor telling what is going on in the system, so
> I will not be surprised by angry telephone calls and have no clue where to
> start looking. I use Mainview, I don't know RMF, but it probably also
> displays the 4HrRA, the current LPAR utilization and the status of
> softcapping, so you know why the system is doing what it is doing.
> HTH,
> Kees.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
> Behalf Of R.S.
> Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 15:36
> Subject: Re: Defined capacity
> "To enable the WorkLoad Manager (WLM), select Enable workload manager.
> Selecting WLM from one processor details automatically selects WLM from
> the other processor details and conversely. Specify the minimum and maximum
> processing weights. Change LPAR management weights based on customer
> policies and current work loads. "
> Indeed, to enable WLM I have to check "Enable WLM". I wouldn't know that!
> Of course there is no explanation what does it mean "enable WLM". WLM is
> enabled on every z/OS image and cannot be disabled. So, there must be some
> other explanation of the words above. IRD? No clue about IRD.
> However I found "WLM checkbox" in the chapter about IRD:
> "For each logical partition that will participate in LPAR weight
> management, do the following:
>      -   Make sure that "Initial Capping" is turned off. WLM cannot
> manage the weight of a logical partition that is capped.
>      -   Enter the initial processing weight. This becomes the logical
> partition's weight when it is first IPLed.
>      -   Enter the minimum and maximum weights. These set the lower and
> upper limits for the weights that WLM will assign to the logical partition.
>      -   Check the "WLM Managed" box. This is the final step in
> activating LPAR weight management." ---> THAT'S THE CHECKBOX!
> BTW: I never used IRD for simple reason: lack of sysplex.
> So, to my knowledge:
> WLM checkbox - used only for IRD, leave unchecked otherwise.
> Defined Capacity - simply put non-zero value, uncheck Initial Capping on
> CP, zIIP, zAAP.
> Thank you Kees!
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> P.S.
> I just found another "helpful" explanation:
> Image Pforile, Options tab:
> "CP management cluster name
> The name specified for the CP management cluster. "
> I suspect it's also IRD related stuff.
> W dniu 2013-02-12 14:58, Vernooij, CP - SPLXM pisze:
> > Radoswaw,
> >
> > One to the manuals has a chapter IRD, I think you will find there that
> the WLM checkbox triggers IRDs weight management.
> >>From my experience: forget IRD on modern machines. CPU management is
> disabled by Hiperdispatch and weight management and softcapping do not
> cooperate.
> >
> > Kees.
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU]
> On Behalf Of R.S.
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 14:30
> > Subject: Re: Defined capacity
> >
> > W dniu 2013-02-12 13:50, Vernooij, CP - SPLXM pisze:
> >> Check this paper too:
> >> http://www.ibm.com/common/ssi/fcgi-bin/ssialias?infotype=SA&subtype=WH
> >> &appname=STGE_ZS_ZS_USEN&htmlfid=ZSW03077USEN&attachment=ZSW03077USEN.
> >> PDF
> >>
> >> kees.
> >
> > Kees,
> > Thank you for quick response. Actually I have 3 open documents on my PC,
> exactly the same which you mentioned ;-) I found and answer for Q1 (MSU as
> a unit), which I was 99% sure.
> >
> > Unfortunately I found no explanation about WLM checkbox. From your
> response I assume I should leave it unchecked, since I don't use IRD.
> >
> > Regarding Q3 - I found that Initial Capping on any processor-type tab
> gives the same result - it disables WLM checkbox. So I assume, I shouldn't
> use Initial Capping for any CP type, including zIIP.
> >
> >
> > BTW: General observation. It is typical for IBM - Software manuals avoid
> describing any details about hardware panels, while H/W manuals do not
> describe the meaning of the fields and panels.
> >
> > --
> > Radoslaw Skorupka
> > Lodz, Poland
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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