In article <> you wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 16:07:08 -0500, Scott Ford wrote:
> >
> >Not following your thought, folders or file names can be any combination of 
> >upper or lower least on Windoze 7
> > 
> So, show me, please, a single folder containing two files whose names
> differ only in the case of some of their characters.

D72358> touch case
D72358> touch CASE
D72358> l case
-rw-------  1 sasdtp  Domain Users  0 Feb 13 17:26 case
D72358> l CASE
-rw-------  1 sasdtp  Domain Users  0 Feb 13 17:26 CASE
D72358> echo lower > case
D72358> echo UPPER > CASE
D72358> cat case
D72358> cat CASE
D72358> uname -a
Interix d72358 6.1 10.0.6030.0 genuineintel 

> On Wed, 13 Feb 2013 15:10:39 -0600, John McKown wrote:
> >
> >XP. I think MacOSX is like Windows in that respect, but I could be wrong.
> > 
> You have your choice: a filesystem may be formatted as either
> case-sensitive or not.  No finer granularity; can't change an
> existing filesystem; can't specify directory-by-directory.  I assume
> stat(), etc., accommodate the fs type.

> Samba is schizophrenic (but it may be Sun-peculiar).  I can mount via Samba
> on Windows a Solaris-served filesystem having a directory with two files
> whose names differ only in case of characters.  Exploder shows both.
> When I click on one, it's unpredictable (perhaps repeatable) which one
> actually opens.  They could have done better.

> UTF-8 is very much becoming the mode; even on Windows.  What is the
> semantic of case-insensitivity among files named, e.g. in Cyrillic UTF-8?
> It's pretty well defined, but is it implemented correctly?

> -- gil

Don Poitras - SAS Development  -  SAS Institute Inc. - SAS Campus Drive           (919) 531-5637                Cary, NC 27513

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