The formatting of the messages is a console function, not a JES function, and 
is driven by parameters on the WTO macro and by how you are configured. One of 
the options is ulti-line WTO and, AFAIK, there is no COBOL support for it.

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of 
Donald Johnson Jr. []
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 9:42 AM
Subject: Question on wrapped JESMSGLG messages

I have a peculiar question and hope the answer is easily found in this
group. Looking at these highlighted values

08.17.38 JOB57837  DJMU2DF:DB01900I - MUF
08.17.38 JOB57837  DJMU2DF:DB01909E -                                     *
   682             POINTS NEAR ERROR

08.05.17 JOB57048  IEC161I 056-084,CICSABCD,$$$$$$@ $$$$$$@,DFHLCD,,,  571

   571             IEC161I ICF.ABCD.USERCAT

I know that the number is a cross-reference for continued lines in Syslog
and the user joblog, and I have never thought twice about it before.
However, I have someone asking about this, and I realized that I don't
really know how it works. My questions are:

1. What drives this process?  I assume it is part of JES message handling
2. Is the line length before wrapping a message held in a parameter
3. What causes some messages to use the #, and others to just wrap. For
example, if I write a COBOL program with DISPLAY...UPON CONSOLE, the lines
just wrap in the Syslog, with no ### identifier. Other jobs or STCs write
messages like the above, with the continuation number.
4. Is there some doc I can point to for my colleague to understand this? We
all know what it is, and most of us probably don't care how it works, but I
figure that someone knows what this is called, how it is configured, and
how it works for different messages.

Thanks all!

Don Johnson

Broadcom   |

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