On Tue, 2 Jun 2020 07:49:30 -0700, Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org> wrote:

>https://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/cards/codes.html Charles 
Or, perhaps: https://homepage.divms.uiowa.edu/~jones/cards/codes.html

Blame the iPhone?

>-------- Original message --------From: "Farley, Peter x23353" 
><peter.far...@broadridge.com> Date: 6/2/20  7:43 AM  (GMT-08:00) To: 
>IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU Subject: Re: Punched cards and character set 
>Radoslaw,In the IBM world, all possible EBCDIC characters (all 256) were 
>possible to punch into physical cards, but punching any characters not on the 
>keypunch machine's keyboard (like lower-case letters) required using the 
>"multi-punch" key (or on older keypunch machines, physically holding the card 
>in place so that punches did not advance the column position) to manually 
>punch the necessary holes in one column.If you sent "object deck" output of 
>the assembler or a compiler to a physical card punch peripheral you could 
>punch all 256 characters into them.  It was harder to do from a manual 
>keypunch machine.There were alternate physical card formats for non-IBM 
>environments.  IIRC, Univac used a 96-column card with round holes instead of 
>rectangular ones.  I saw them once, but never got to work with them.I have 
>been asking Google to find any documentation of the full encoding of punches 
>to EBCDIC characters but haven't found anything relevant yet.Sorry, I don't 
>have any actual JCL on physical punched cards any more.  Somewhere in the 
>attic I may have a box or two of blank ones, but nothing with 
>punches.Peter-----Original Message-----From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
><IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of R.S.Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2020 10:20 
>AMTo: ibm-m...@listserv.ua.EDUSubject: Punched cards and character setI have 
>never used punched cards, so forgive me my questions.As far as I know, a 
>character set on punched cards was somehow limited, so it is not EBCDIC or 
>similar set of 256 characters.Of course that means some limitations for DD * 
>datasets - if coded on real punched cards.Nowadays I'm pretty sure DD * accept 
>every possible character, as any other dataset (with some exception for 
>delimiter). Note, it is program independent - this is a change within system 
>(JES2, Interpreter, whatever).Q1: how it was in the past? I mean, were the DD 
>* limited to "punched card" character set? Or it was always full EBCDIC if the 
>job was read from DASD?Q2: What about character set on the cards? Was it 
>always one and the same within S/360 family? I noted there were several 
>character sets, but as far as I understand those set was for other machines 
>(Remington,pre-S360 IBM machines, etc.)Was there any name for card character 
>set? I mean something like "CP 037" or so.And another question, or rather kind 
>request: Does anynone have JCL statements on punched cards? I would like to 
>get/download some images of JOB, EXEC, and DD statements on punched cards. I 
>have a lot of card pictures, but none with JCL.--This message and any 
>attachments are intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain 
>information that is privileged and confidential. If the reader of the message 
>is not the intended recipient or an authorized representative of the intended 
>recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination of this 
>communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication 
>in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail and delete the message and 
>any attachments from your 
> IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions,send email to 
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--  gil

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