>> To be fair to our boy Rob, I don't think he's actually advocating using two 
>> LXs. He is just pointing out that the scheme you're proposing would *need* 
>> two.


One could make a case for non-SysLX usage without a SysLX PC-cp to ATSET+ETCON 
if the "client" address spaces were all capable of supervisor state anyhow. 
For example, a multi-ASID product where certain requests must be squirted over 
to one specific queue in the private area of one specific ASID.

Going back to a more all-encompassing server that caters for problem and 
supervisor clients, you could justify the two LX design if the PC-cp did the 
SAF checking for the server. If implemented this way, the non-SysLX PC 
routine(s) cannot be executed  due to XMS architecture reasons if the SAF check 
in the PC-cp did not pass (and the ATSET and ETCON were not performed).  If the 
number of non-SysLX routines is non-trivial this could be beneficial to the 
product to centralize the security checking. 

Rob Scott
Lead Developer
Rocket Software
77 Fourth Avenue . Suite 100 . Waltham . MA 02451-1468 . USA
Tel: +1.781.684.2305
Email: rsc...@rs.com
Web: www.rocketsoftware.com

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Chris Craddock
Sent: 18 February 2013 19:34
Subject: Re: Load To Global with PC_cp

>>On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 10:32 AM, esst...@juno.com <esst...@juno.com>
>>Rob Scott wrote

>>>(a) The first will have LXRES SYSTEM=YES for the PC-cp - this will be
>automatically available to ALL address spaces
>>>(b) The second will have LXRES SYSTEM=NO for the other PC-ss routines
that >your "selected" address spaces will use

>>Its interesting Rob recommended the reservation of two Linkage Indexs.

To be fair to our boy Rob, I don't think he's actually advocating using two 
LXs. He is just pointing out that the scheme you're proposing would *need* two. 
That's the main reason that almost nobody uses non-system LXs. You need a PC 
service already connected to a system LX in order to connect the non-system LX 
to each client address space. And since you would by definition already have a 
system LX, the non-system LXs would be superfluous.

One could argue there are benefits in using non-system LXs but I don't know of 
anybody that does that. Most long-lived vendor code just gives the server space 
an AX of 1 and uses a single system LX and pc entry table. No muss, no fuss. 
That's why IBM ended up having to invent that ASN and LX reuse feature... 
(topic for another day)

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