I would say it is not because of extra workload, but rather result of some "epidemic" - the reason which caused first drive failure also somehow affect other drives. Last, but not least array controler (electronics) is also suspected.
My €0.02

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 07.07.2020 o 20:41, Pommier, Rex pisze:
Regarding the second disk failing while the first was rebuilding, I've heard 
more than once that a second failure in a RAID array shortly after the first, 
while the rebuild is happening is not that uncommon.  Something about the 
sudden extra stress on the rest of the drives in the RAID set due to their 
ultra high utilization trying to get the failed drive rebuilt.  Has anybody 
else heard this?  Is there documented validity to this assertion?


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
John McKown
Sent: Tuesday, July 7, 2020 8:58 AM
Subject: [External] Re: Storage & tape question

<snipped to the relevant portions for my question>

We had a similar problem occurs, long ago, with an actual SAN dasd array (for Windows, not MVS). 
Weekend backup to physical tape aborted on a Sunday. The Windows admin said "No problem, it's 
a RAID-5 array, I can fix it Monday morning." A few hours later, a disk in the array failed. 
No problem, right? Unfortunately, while the CE was on his way in to replace it, a second disk 
failed. The array was destroyed. Management said to repair it and reload from the Sunday backup and 
we'd be good. When the admin admitted that the backup failed and he didn't go in, he was 
immediately terminated.     ***** Now, what are the chances that 2 drives in an array will fail 
within hours? I don't know, but one thing many don't think about with a "new array" is 
that all the drives are likely the same age and will start to fail (if they are) about the same 
time.   *****

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