On Mon, 25 Feb 2013 10:03:03 -0500, Crabtree, Anne D <anne.d.crabt...@wv.gov> 

>I am trying to modify JES exit 6 so that jobs, starting with a particular 
>string and destination is to a particular partial string, get assigned a class 
>of F (jobname beginning with WE# and destination beginning with VPRTxxxx).  I 
>also want to prohibit non SY users from using class Z.
>I modified our existing exit 6 and tested on our onepac system.  It worked 
>great.  However, when I tried to use the same module in our production lpar, 
>the class Z logic is working, but the class F will not work!  I've tried for 
>the last two Sundays for hours!
>Yesterday, changed the module name and entry name so I could make sure it was 
>using the new module.  $d exit(6) shows the new entry.  I've compared JES2 
>initialization members and cannot figure out why the same code works on one 
>but not the other.  Does anyone have a suggestion on what else I can look at?
>I have a small window of opportunity each week to try and get this to work.  
>Thought about using the trace option but don't know enough about how to do it 
>so would have to read up on that.  Would that be of any help?
>Here's the part of code that I changed: (I'm not the greatest assembler 
>programmer so be kind :))

I didn't look at the code closely, but since it works in your onepack, could 
there be something different
about that VPRTxxxx dest in the production JES2 that is keeping that compare 
from working.  I'm
also not a very good assembler programmer, but what I would do for something 
like this is blow
up the exit at that point or set a slip and get a dump and see what's actually 

Is JCTPRRID really the correct field to look at for print dest?


JCTPROUT DS    0F                  JOB PRINT ROUTE CODE        
JCTPRNOD DS    H                    NODE NUMBER                
JCTPRRMT DS    H                    REMOTE NUMBER              
         SPACE 1                                               
         SPACE 1                                               

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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