Let me update this a little. When I said "professional", I should have said
something like "power user"  in today's vernacular. The shell is a field
full of mines for those who are not familiar with it. I've been using Linux
for about 20 years, and I still get tripped up at times with BASH. I didn't
mean to disparage Mr. Mills. He know z/OS well. But the UNIX side is hard
to get used to. Like when I went from a Xerox Sigma 7 using BPM to MVT
using JCL. I said many nasty things about JCL. I finally, mainly, learned

On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 11:21 AM John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com>

> Caution -- tacky in-line comment.
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2020 at 8:46 AM Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org> wrote:
>> What the heck were the UNIX designers thinking when they allowed the
>> casual creation of a filename of -x?
> They were thinking that UNIX is for professionals who know what they're
> doing and didn't want to be "molly coddled" and protected from themselves.
> That's for Windows users. And, really, this is more an artifact of the
> Bourne shell, not the UNIX kernel. In fact, UNIX allows a file to have any
> characters in it other than 0x00. Mainly because it is written in C. That's
> freedom, which requires responsibility.
> Well, actually, UNIX probably allowed it because it was developed, I
> think, on a PDP-7 which was very memory constrained and so they didn't do a
> whole lot of coding to validate "reasonableness".
> You might enjoy this: https://web.mit.edu/~simsong/www/ugh.pdf The UNIX
> Haters Handbook.
>> There may be a legitimate reason why someone would want to create a file
>> named -x but if so, then *they* should be made to jump through some small
>> hoop and "escape" the name in some way. The innocent victim who stumbles
>> into this situation should not be the one made to jump through hoops. Will
>> UNIX allow the creation of a file named "rm *"? That could have some
>> interesting side effects.
> Simple to do that:
> touch  'rm *'
> More  "difficult"
> touch rm\ \*
>> How did I inadvertently create a file named -x? I had a pax command
>> pax -wzvf /my/archive.pax *
>> I had an error that I thought might be solved by -x os390. Looking at the
>> above command I forgot that /my/archive.pax "went with" the -f and coded
>> pax -wzvf -x os390 /my/archive.pax *
>> That has the effect of creating an archive named -x. UNIX did not
>> complain or warn about that at all. (It complained about some unnamed file
>> not being found, presumably os390.) That is poor design IMHO.
> Perhaps. But, then again, WAD. Or perhaps BAD. But the command did exactly
> what it was documented to do. Might as well complain, as I have, about the
> backwardness of COND= in JCL. I now only use // IF  and it's friends for
> condition checking.
>> Heck, if the shell is going to expand the * then it could generate a
>> warning "hey, did you know that one of your files has a name that looks
>> just like a switch?"
> Hum, now that might be an interesting thing to be able to do! The BASH
> shell has a "shopts" builtin command to set some shell options. The GNU
> utilities, well most of them, have a -- options which says anything which
> has a leading dash after the double dash is _not_ to be interpreted as an
> option. But that is not the shell itself. I think it is really an artifact
> of the GNU version of "getopt()"
> https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Using-Getopt.html
> IBM really goofed up by not using the GNU libraries, or at least their
> design, in z/OS UNIX. I am thinking they used base AIX. Which is
> hilarious because AIX has GNU ported to it and I am fairly sure every
> programmer uses it.
>> Charles

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