W dniu 19.11.2020 o 00:00, Charles Mills pisze:
Is there a JES2 command to submit a job from a PDS or PROCLIB, roughly
analogous to TSO SUBMIT?

I want to run a predefined job, unmodified, once a day. (No, I don't have a
real scheduler.) I figured I could do something with $T A,I=86400,'command'
but I don't see what the command would be. It seems like an obvious thing
for JES2 to be able to do.

Do I use $VS,'S proc' and run it like a started task that just happens to
end after a minute or so?

I vaguely recall there is a way to submit a job (via TSO or whatever) such
that it gets held and then could be released with a JES2 command but also
left in the input queue for another release? Am I on the right track? Or ...

Thanks. Sorry for the newbie question. I'm a newbie operator.

My €0.02:
1. For professional scheduling there are commercial tools like BMC CTM, IBM TWS, CA ESP, etc. Of course it is not worth to pay just to schedule one job a day. However ...maybe you have it already in your shop? Just check it.

2. For JES2 (and no batch scheduler) I would use $TA... $VS S member.
That means your JES2 'wannabe-scheduler'  periodically issue START command, which is MVS command. Old farts say it is for starting members of PROCLIB, that mean JCL procedures. It is no longer true (for years), you can start a job using same command and same library. That means your job may contain DD * statements, etc.
Not enough? Well you started job/procedure may submit regular job.

Caution: is it SIMPLE. Mainframe gurus will hate it ;-)

3. There are other ways to skin a cat. Some of them include existing tools, like cron, however really aspiring way is to start with assembler, APF and MODESET 0. ;-)
(yes, this is kind of joke)

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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