W dniu 20.11.2020 o 20:19, Farley, Peter x23353 pisze:
A colleague asked me today if there was an error in SDSF because from his ISPF 
/ SDSF DA screen he can see all active jobs with selected names (e.g., using 
PREFIX or a SELECT command) across the entire SYSPLEX.

However, using his ISPF / SDSF ST screen he can only see those selected job 
names which are running in the JESPLEX to which he is logged on.  We have two 
JESPLEX instances with different LPAR's in each one.

I confirmed the behavior he reported.  My ISPF / SDSF ST screen behaves the 
same as his, and my ISPF / SDSF DA screen does too.

At this point I am just curious, is this WAD or an SDSF bug?

TIA for any info or RTFM you can provide.

So, you have multiple JESplexes within SYSPLEX?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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