> Please don't patronise me with high "coding standards", you banned
> me from your
> forum when I commented on the fact that you suggested using UNSPEC()
> to look at
> the internal representation of z/OS HEX FLOAT values in order top
> print them in
> a PL/I program, and then deleted the postings to hide your own


Ya right ! And you had the audacity to call it a bug in the product even
though you are data owner and mere checking of the data would have answered
your own question.  I should have gone with my first instinct of just
ignoring your rambling. That is the only thing you do.

> And did you actually read the "...and ***someone*** came up with a
> really very
> elegant way of performing this task, ..." (Emphasis added...) You should
> seen, as you're also on that forum, that the solution was provided by
> Findeisen!

I stopped browsing that forum ever since they forced ads.  Kudos to Jorg
findeisen for coding a solution. And the degree of elegance depends. So if
you are happy with the solution stick with it

>>> And that saves? 1 nanosecond?

The question is NOT only about saving CPU cycles. The elegance you boast
isn't seen when you code such statements.

> Which is really important for something that processes 209 lines of
> input, and
> might at some stage process as many as 300 lines on input, and it's part
of a
> job that runs for about a minute, so saving a fraction of a second? And
> SORT is invoked by the viewer, the result is usually displayed when
> my finger is
> still next to the Enter key.

As I said earlier I wouldn't have bothered to answer the questions from YOU
if you hadn't called an user error a bug in the product.


IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> wrote on
01/15/2021 10:53:50 AM:

> From: Robert Prins <rob...@prino.org>
> Date: 01/15/2021 08:54 AM
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: Bug in DFSORT? [WAS: Merging multiple
> records using DFSORT]
> Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>
> On 2021-01-15 11:50, Sri h Kolusu wrote:
> >> So what's so special about 80? 9, 41 and 44 are unique in the entire
> > of >sort control statements, and 80 also doesn't appear, yet replacing
> > by 80 >results in incorrect output.
> >
> >> I've gone over it again and again, but I'm totally clueless, unless
> > is >one of those bugs that nobody's encountered before(*).
> >> So, if someone can confirm the problem, or that this is a case of
> >> Allan Poe's "The Purloined Letter", i.e. so obvious that it hides in
> >> sight, please reply to this post!
> >
> > Robert,
> >
> > Let me start off with "It is NOT a BUG" and the obvious is right in
> > of you. As a data owner you SHOULD be in a better position to tell as
> > what is so special about the data at position 80.
> Yes, as I already wrote, it's probably a case of "The Purloined
> > To explain what is so special about 80. Open the input dataset in
> > browse/edit mode
> >
> > Issue the command F '+' 44 ALL then make a note of where exactly you
> > finding the specified character. Also Make a note of the number of
> > the character is found. (5 times)
> >
> > Hint : It is found on the FIRST line of the boxed data skipping the
> > set of data
> >
> > Now issue the same command but changing the position to 80
> >
> > F '+' 80 ALL
> >
> > Also make a note of how many number of times the character is found (9
> > times)
> >
> > Hint : It is found on the FIRST/SECOND/THIRD line of the boxed data
> > starting with the first set of data.
> >
> > DFSORT is merely doing what you wanted it to do. So I am not sure
> > a 5 time found data with 9 times found data is correct.
> >
> > Btw the control cards can be optimized and I am not even sure as to why
> > need a numeric conversion for simply sticking a constant value of
0120 ?
> > Not sure how it passed your high "coding standards"
> Please don't patronise me with high "coding standards", you banned
> me from your
> forum when I commented on the fact that you suggested using UNSPEC()
> to look at
> the internal representation of z/OS HEX FLOAT values in order top
> print them in
> a PL/I program, and then deleted the postings to hide your own
> And did you actually read the "...and ***someone*** came up with a
> really very
> elegant way of performing this task, ..." (Emphasis added...) You should
> seen, as you're also on that forum, that the solution was provided by
> Findeisen!
> >
> > should be as simple as
> >
> And that saves? 1 nanosecond?
> > Similarly when using the substring format and searching for multiple
> > characters, it is advisable to have a comma so that it is easy to
> > understand and maintain.
> >
> > (44,1,SS,EQ,C'+|') should be  (44,1,SS,EQ,C'+,|')
> And how much extra time does this add to parsing the string? Sheesh...
> > This is explained in the 2nd bullet here
> >
> > https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSLTBW_2.4.0/
> com.ibm.zos.v2r4.icea100/substr.htm
> >
> > And just for the record, the job can be optimized and can be done
> Which is really important for something that processes 209 lines of
> input, and
> might at some stage process as many as 300 lines on input, and it's part
of a
> job that runs for about a minute, so saving a fraction of a second? And
> SORT is invoked by the viewer, the result is usually displayed when
> my finger is
> still next to the Enter key.
> Robert
> --
> Robert AH Prins
> robert(a)prino(d)org
> The hitchhiking grandfather - https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/
> url?
> u=https-3A__prino.neocities.org_indez.html&d=DwIDaQ&c=jf_iaSHvJObTbx-
> siA1ZOg&r=IAduPlMgORoDwSg-

> Some REXX code for use on z/OS - https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/
> v2/url?

> siA1ZOg&r=IAduPlMgORoDwSg-

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