W dniu 02.02.2021 o 19:32, Gilson Cesar de Oliveira pisze:
Dear colleagues:
I'd like to know if is it possible to use OSA Express 1000 Base T
with the two ports (0 and 1) for console but in different sub-networks ?
For instance I have an OSA where in port 0 I will define it for
And for port 1 I will define it for network
I've heard something that we can use it but in the same network.
Actually the second port usability in OSA-ICC is rather limited. In the
past it was just disabled.
Nowadays you can have both ports active, but not as you want - the
addressing is not independent.
In that case you would need two OSA cards.
BTW: Two OSA cards means more session definitions and redundancy.
Radoslaw Skorupka
(looking for new job)
Lodz, Poland
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