W dniu 25.04.2021 o 16:44, Paul Gilmartin pisze:
On Sun, 25 Apr 2021 03:08:44 +0200, Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:
Before APPLY - take care about SMPPTS1 DDDEFs in other zones.

Is it useful, or even safe, to define SMPPTS* in other than GLOBAL zone?
It is necessary.

Does SMP/E warn or prohibit inconsistent SMPPTS* definitions among
Yes. BTDT.

This implies that:
o SMP/E is aware of the GLOBAL SMPPTS definitions
o And prefers that the DLIB/TARGEt definitions match the GLOBAL.

So I wonder why SMP/E doesn't eliminate any requirement for
other zones and simply rely on the GLOBAL SMPPTS*.

Something I don't understand about SMP/E design philosophy.

Wrong answer, SMP/E does NOT warn or prohibit PTS inconsistency among zones.

Regarding design philosophy - I can only guess it is result of 40+ years old "not so good" decisions and limitations. IMHO it would look completely different when created from scratch with no compatibility with "legacy".
However it works. And admins role is to follow the rules.

BTW: the more you know the SMP/E the idiosyncrasies are less and less annoying and sometimes you find something useful.

Radoslaw Skorupka
(looking for new job)
Lodz, Poland

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