I would use a configuration file. Copy /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlclang/etc/xlclang.cfg into one of your directories and either set the XL_CONFIG environment variable or include it with the -F compiler option. Add your data set to the syslib_x concatenation.

 VIEW       /RZ204Y/usr/lpp/cbclib/xlclang/etc/xlclang.cfg
 Command ===>
 ****** ********************************************************************* Top of Data ******************************************
 000001 *
 000002 * FUNCTION: z/OS V2.4.1 XL C/C++ Compiler Configuration file
 000003 *
 000004 * Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
 000005 * 5650-ZOS Copyright IBM Corp. 2019.
 000006 * US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
 000007 * disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
 000008 *
 000010 * Clang C compiler
 000011 clang:        use               = DEFLT
 000013 * Clang C++ compiler
 000014 clang++:      use               = DEFLT
 000015               options           = -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600,-D__static_assert=static_assert,-Wno-parentheses,-Wno-unused-value
 000017 * common definitions
 000018 DEFLT:        cppcomp           = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlclang/exe/clcdrvr  000019               ccomp             = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlclang/exe/clcdrvr
 000020               as                = /bin/c89
 000021               ld_c              = /bin/c89
 000022               ld_cpp            = /bin/cxx
 000023               xlC               = /usr/lpp/cbclib/xlclang/bin/xlclang
 000024               xlCcopt           = -D_XOPEN_SOURCE
 000025               sysobj            = cee.sceeobj:cee.sceecpp
 000026               syslib_x          = cee.sceebnd2:sys1.csslib
 000027               exportlist_c_x    = cee.sceelib(celhs003,celhs001)
 000028               exportlist_cpp_x  = cee.sceelib(celhs003,celhs001,celhscpp)
 000029               exportlist_c_64   = cee.sceelib(celqs003)
 000030               exportlist_cpp_64 = cee.sceelib(celqs003,celqscpp,cxxrt64)
 000031               cinc              = -isystem/usr/include/le
 000032               cppinc            = -isystem/usr/include/c++
 000033               options           = -D_UNIX03_WITHDRAWN,-L/usr/lpp/cbclib/lib
 000034               libraries         = -libmcmp
 000035               steplib           = cbc.sclccmp
 ****** ******************************************************************** Bottom of Data ****************************************

On 29/04/2021 3:23 am, Richard Way wrote:
I don't know how the xclang++ line got mangled, but it's really just one line - 
NOT three invocations of xclang++!

Guessing it's something about the ++ and the listserv, let's try it again substituting 
"FRED" for "xclang++"

FRED -v -Wl,MAP,LIST=ALL,XREF -obin/zprotect obj/zprotect/zprotect.cpp.o 
lib/libsapi.a lib/libvtk-core.a /usr/lib/GSKCMS64.x /usr/lib/GSKSSL64.x

Rich Way

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Richard Way
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2021 11:51 AM
Subject: How to specify logical SYSLIB when linking with xclang++ under uss

I am having a problem using xlclang++ to link my program on uss. I have 
unresolved references, but I actually know where the modules that are needed 
are located - I am just unable to express that information to the binder.
As an example, CSNERNG is located in "CSF.SCSFMOD0", but isn't found because 
the default SYSLIB is just the concatenation of CEE.SCEEBND2 with SYS1.CSSLIB.  I need to 
logically add CSF.SCSFMOD0 to that concatenation.

I discovered that with the '-v' switch, I can get xlclang++ to emit both the pseudo-JCL 
it would use and the "export"s of environment variables, and, from that output, 
I discovered that the variable _CXX_L6SYSLIB is what I supposedly need to set - but 
setting it and exporting it prior to issuing my make command doesn't have any effect - 
the unresolved reference still occurs, and the generated pseudo-JCL does not include my 
addition to the concatenation. (BTW the Unix System Services Command Reference confirms 
that _CXX_L6SYSLIB is the correct variable for an lp64 invocation.)

The command that I am using for the link is:
xlclang++ -v  -Wl,MAP,LIST=ALL,XREF -obin/zprotect
xlclang++ obj/zprotect/zprotect.cpp.o lib/libsapi.a lib/libvtk-core.a
xlclang++ /usr/lib/GSKCMS64.x /usr/lib/GSKSSL64.x

The export I am doing first is:

and yet my generated pseudo-JCL is still:
//  ,LP64'
//         DD  DSN='SYS1.CSSLIB',DISP=SHR,DCB=DSORG=DIR       <==note missing 
CSF.SCSFMOD0 concatenation attempt here.

Any thoughts or ideas on what I could try next?


Rich Way, CISSP
Security Lead, Voltage Portfolio
Micro Focus
4555 Great America Parkway
Santa Clara, CA 95054
+1 408 857 0216

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