Never heard "immz".  I have heard "zoss".

Regarding "ra-keff" (but further afield), when I moved from the Midwest to 
Pennsylvania I noticed that many people pronounced my birth state 
"wess-KAHN-sin".  We always say "wih-SKAHN-sin".  Subtle difference in the 'k' 
sound, but it was plain enough to my ear.

Bob Bridges,, cell 336 382-7313

/* The way to keep a secret is to keep it.  -Bob Bridges' advice to young 
children */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
David Spiegel
Sent: Saturday, May 8, 2021 23:42

This reminds me of a story.
Back in 2000, I was doing an ACF2 to RACF conversion and one of the customer's 
people kept saying Ra-Keff (instead of Rack-Eff.) This REALLY got on my nerves.

As an aside, a former colleague (with a British accent) always says ZOSS 
(instead of Zed-Oh-Ess or Zee-Oh-Ess).
(He's not really British.)

Have you ever heard ANYONE say IMZ (instead of Eye-Emm-Ess)?

--- On 2021-05-08 17:02, Bob Bridges wrote:
> I grew up with "doss" and "see-eye-see-ess", but even here in the East I've 
> heard "kicks" often enough that I can adjust now if that's what the current 
> crowd uses.  Actually I think sysprogs say "kicks" more than application 
> programmers, for some reason.
> I've heard "sicks" just once, I believe, but I don't remember where the 
> speaker was from.
> "Rack-eff", of course, so I guess I could excuse either "pee-rack-eff" or 
> "prack-eff".  Dunno what it is, though.

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