The register  ( I think) has someone tells his experience under the name of
‘shark tank’.


בתאריך יום ו׳, 25 ביוני 2021 ב-19:19 מאת Matt Hogstrom <>:

> I work for Broadcom (my e-mail doesn’t reflect that because I am not
> defined by my e-mail address).
> I spent the first 20 years of my career as a sysprog at a few large
> companies, and the last few on building tech for the mainframe (at IBM,
> Broadcom, ..)   I recall so many stories about how things went sideways and
> I was called at 2 in the morning or interrupted at dinner to solve a
> production problem.  Some of these stories are one-offs and others are
> lessons for the future.  Personally, over a beer these stories are
> interesting and we can compare the impacts and how we solved them.  Being
> transparent, I recall an unscheduled change to the CESN panel to add an
> auto skip to the end of the “Password Field” to the “New Password Field”
> and ended up causing users to end up revoking their user IDs because of the
> change in behavior of the panel.  Yes, I was twenty something, there was no
> UX team and it just made good technical sense.  Result, a massive fail.
> I share that story because over a beer its a good laugh 30 years later.
> Thoughts  on being able to share stories about issues / failures
> (hopefully not like mine which was self imposed) to help others see issues
> and take action to help build the next generation of Sysprogs?  I’d love to
> share my more esoteric issues like unable to allocate a dataset because of
> a hashing problem with a VTOC IX caused by a batch job creating crappy data
> set names.
> Anyone know of a forum or a way to capture the knowledge before we lose it
> ?
> Thoughts ?
> Matt Hogstrom
> +1-919-656-0564
> PGP Key: 0x90ECB270
> "
> — Hogstrom
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*| **Itschak Mugzach | Director | SecuriTeam Software **|** IronSphere
Platform* *|* *Information Security Continuous Monitoring for Z/OS, zLinux
and IBM I **|  *

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