Joe R wrote
I added two load modules successfully using CSVDYLPA and later got a BLDL
FAILED for that module DCB NOT OPEN when trying to link to that module

I thought once added to LPA its in the system search path

Once again you have failed to provide the details that would let someone 
help you. We should not have to keep saying this.

Exactly what did your code do? 
Exactly what abend did you get?

It is easily demonstrated that after a suitable (and successful) CSVDYLPA 
for module "X" that
works just fine.

BLDL itself is not relevant to LPA modules. But it is relevant to a fetch 
request with a DCB provided or when a tasklib/steplib/joblib is involved.
If you provided a DCB, then apparently you did not provide a valid DCB. 

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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