I've mentioned before on this forum that once I got the hang of object-oriented 
programming (in VBA, that was) and heard about ooREXX, I lusted after it, but 
resisted the temptation because I could see no way I could use it for my 
client's work.  My job has a lot to do with extracting data for my clients, but 
I also write tools for their people to use to get the same data time after 
time, and really I ought to do that in a language that a) someone there can 
maintain after I leave, and of course b) doesn't have to be downloaded 
especially for the purpose.  The languages that are available more or less 
universally are my palette, in other words, when working for my clients.  In 
Windows that's VBA and VBS, .bat, and I'm sure I'll add Jscript to my 
repertoire eventually; on the mainframe it's REXX, maybe CLIST, JCL, and if I 
need a compiled language PL/1 or COBOL.

I eventually broke down and installed ooREXX on my own PC for a particular task 
that just wasn't working in VBA -- I was trying to parse a text file and 
generate an medium-complex .rtf document from it -- but I still feel I 
shouldn't put such things on a client machine.  And I've never heard about 
ooREXX being available on z/OS.  How do you manage that?  Color me interested.

Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313

/* The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Rony G. Flatscher
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2022 09:02

My name is Rony G. Flatscher and I have been working as an IS professor at a 
European Business university (WU Vienna) who has acquired quite a bit of 
experience in teaching BA students programming for the past 35 years. Over the 
course of the years I taught e.g. COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, Open Access Programmer, 
C/C++, VBS (Visual Basic), VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), Java, and 
tested one semester REXX with a very surprising effect: the BA students can 
learn programming much faster in REXX than in any other programming language 
(including Python taught by colleagues)!

The secret lies in employing Object REXX for teaching as it includes 
structures/types and the powerful message paradigm in addition to all of the 
classic REXX capabilities. In a four hour lecture these BA students (some total 
newbies, some already with programming skills) learn REXX and then the object 
oriented concepts/features of Object REXX in a single semester (four months).

In the middle of the semester (after two months), they not only are able to 
create simple programs in REXX and Object REXX, but taking advantage of the 
COM/OLE library on Windows that comes with the Windows version of Object REXX. 
This empowers them to interface/program the Windows shell and any Windows 
application with an OLE interface including all of MS Office using Object REXX 
only! It is impressive to see how quickly they become empowered to exploit MS 
Excel or MS Word for their needs with Object REXX!

At the end of the semester (after another two months), using an Object REXX 
library that makes accessing Java possible from Object REXX, these very same BA 
(business administration) students have been empowered writing Object REXX 
programs to create GUIs (graphical user interface programs using awt, swing and 
later JavaFX), create client-server socket programs (including SSL/TLS), parse 
XML text files with SAX and DOM, interface/program Apache OpenOffice and 
LibreOffice all with Object REXX only. 

And the best about this is, because of using Java class libraries from Object 
REXX, there is no need to a) learn the Java programming language oneself and b) 
all Object REXX programs run unchanged on Windows, Linux and MacOS including 
GUI Object REXX programs!

To get so far in teaching programming skills at a Business university in a 
single semester (only a four hour lecture) has become possible with Object 
REXX, it would not be possible with any other programming language I know of 
for reasons, that have mostly to do with the "human oriented" philosophy of the 
REXX programming language (set forth by its father Mike F. Cowlishaw) which 
also has been an important guiding principle when IBM developed Object REXX. 
This translates into becoming able to quickly learn the programming language 
Object REXX which also means that it is a rather cheap (cost effective) to 
learn programming language compared to learning many other programming 

IBM and the REXX Language assocation (https://www.rexxla.org) entered into 
successful negotiations to hand over the source code of the IBM product Object 
REXX and since about 15 years there is an "open object Rexx (ooRexx, oorexx)" 
interpreter with source code that has been constantly maintained, developed 
further and that gets released by RexxLA. 

There have been also IBM mainframe shops that have started to use ooRexx on 
mainframes in the meantime.

The purpose of this message is to draw your attention to a great REXX 
programming language, originally developed by IBM, open sourced by RexxLA, and 
as a result available for all important operating systems. ooRexx can be a 
great "SAK" (swiss army knife) tool for any REXX programmer! (ooRexx can run 
rings around many other programming languages including Python.) 

But before being able to take advantage of ooRexx at all one needs to learn 
about its existence in the first place, hence this post. Here are two short 
articles which you might find helpful in this context (download link at the top 
left hand corner): 

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