On Thu, 10 Feb 2022 12:24:01 +0000, Seymour J Metz wrote:

>ASCII is a subset of Unicode, and UTF-8 preserves all octets from 0 to 127, 
>including the control characters.
Water is wet.

>From:  Paul Gilmartin
>Sent: Wednesday, February 9, 2022 9:55 PM
>On Thu, 10 Feb 2022 07:15:55 +0800, David Crayford wrote:
>>>>> Have you played with Vim ":set fileencoding=..."?  It works
>>>>> splendidly on Linux.
>>> It might be useful for generating tests or with such as:
>>>      : w ! iconv -f IBM-1047 -t UTF-8  >codes
>>I just tried it and it works. Rockets Vim port is surprisingly good. We
>>also have emacs and a lot of our young guys use that. I like Vim because
>>it's the default editor on *nix sysems and it's always there.
>Which did you try?  :set fileencoding= or  : w ! iconv -f IBM-1047 -t UTF-8?
>The latter is outside Vim's control, of course.
>>I couldn't imagine using ISPF to edit Unix files but customers do it
>>which is why I'm researching this EBCDIC issue.
>UNIX or CKD; if they're IBM-1047, ISPF is in its element.
>>I would avoid tagging files UTF-8. For text conversion to work in the
>>shell you need to set _BPXK_AUTOCVT=ALL, at which point almost all
>>programs that use enhanced ASCII
>>will break. That includes Python, Git, all of Rockets ported tools suite!
>The  important part of USASCII is a subset of UTF-8, so not much
>might break.  I once ran a UTF-8 file through "iconv -f ISO859-1 -t IBM-1047".
>z/OS server undid the translation and it appeared intact on  my
>UTF-8 desktop.
>Vim might operate similarly with autoconversion.  What is Vim's internal
>character set?  On either Linux or Mac it's very UTF-8 savvy.  In a
>string such as " a�z " the l and h commands move one character, not
>one octet.  But field width specifications such as for printf() count
>octets, not characters.  Ugh!
>And while Linux Vim lets me write a buffer in IBM-1047, it doesn't
>work to re-edit it -- I have to iconv it to UTF-8 before editing.  Is
>there a technique I don't know?


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