On 26/4/22 01:03, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
Given this constraint, we try to put CPU-intensive activities (such as code 
page conversion) on the faster-executing platforms.
and for that reason zCX is very important for ISVs because it does offload to 
Ziips, provides an open technology platform and for customers that do not have 
vZM or IFLs we can deliver software easier using a familiar CI/CVD pipeline.

The elephant in the room is that almost all customers will have x86 platforms available and it's trivial to stand up VMs using automation such as Red Hat Ansible. I suppose it comes down to politics again. The mainframe folks at some sites may be determined to run everything on z. That's not my experience with our customers who use our streaming products. They all run Splunk, Elastic, Kafka stacks on x86 and there's practically zero chance of them moving to z. I'm not knocking zCX. I think it's a great solution and can see a lot of use cases where it makes sense both technically and economically. I'm just highly dubious that running medium/large distributed software stacks is one of them.

Matt Hogstrom
m...@hogstrom.org <mailto:m...@hogstrom.org>

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” - 
Hanlon’s Razor

On Apr 25, 2022, at 12:44 PM, Ed Jaffe <edja...@phoenixsoftware.com> wrote:

The z/OS version is not zIIP-eligible and is therefore running on knee-capped 
CPs in our environment. When running on Linux for Z it runs on an IFL which is 
fast (and SMT-threaded). The Linux for x86 version is also fast (and 
hyper-threaded). Given this constraint, we try to put CPU-intensive activities 
(such as code page conversion) on the faster-executing platforms.

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