I should have mentioned that (as I recall) BLSR allows forcing pool
sharing so that if multiple VSAM files are being randomly processed,
there might be memory savings from forcing some to share the same LSR pool.
At 02:23 PM 5/16/2022, Michael Oujesky wrote:
PDF - http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/iea5j600.pdf
BLSR will help principally if the access is random and the locality
of reference of the data component is good. Otherwise, just
increasing the BUFNI and/or BUFND will suffice. Note that for
sequential access a BUFND of twice the CIs per CA plus two and just
a few BUFNI five or so) usually provides about the best you can get
(incudes over-lapping read I/O to the data component).
I still see BLSR in the 2.5 IEFSSN00 member.
At 09:36 AM 5/16/2022, Pommier, Rex wrote:
Hi list,
Is the BLSR subsystem (batch local shared resources) still a
viable/valuable thing or has it been replaced by something
bigger/better/faster? I seem to be stuck in the mid-90s because
the most current documentation I can find on it is from MVS/ESA 5.1
dated 1994. Is there more current documentation on how to use it
and how it works? Has it been replaced and deprecated? I just had
a developer use it last week and experienced a 40+ reduction in
I/Os but I wanted to read up on its limitations - especially around
using it on a shared VSAM dataset. However I can't find anything
newer than 25+ years old. I did multiple internet searches which
is where I found the ESA manual. I checked the knowledge center
and my own z/OS 2.2 and 2.4 collections all to no avail.
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