PDF - http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/iea5j600.pdf
BLSR will help principally if the access is random and the locality
of reference of the data component is good. Otherwise, just
increasing the BUFNI and/or BUFND will suffice. Note that for
sequential access a BUFND of twice the CIs per CA plus two and just a
few BUFNI five or so) usually provides about the best you can get
(incudes over-lapping read I/O to the data component).
I still see BLSR in the 2.5 IEFSSN00 member.
At 09:36 AM 5/16/2022, Pommier, Rex wrote:
Hi list,
Is the BLSR subsystem (batch local shared resources) still a
viable/valuable thing or has it been replaced by something
bigger/better/faster? I seem to be stuck in the mid-90s because
the most current documentation I can find on it is from MVS/ESA 5.1
dated 1994. Is there more current documentation on how to use it
and how it works? Has it been replaced and deprecated? I just had
a developer use it last week and experienced a 40+ reduction in I/Os
but I wanted to read up on its limitations - especially around using
it on a shared VSAM dataset. However I can't find anything newer
than 25+ years old. I did multiple internet searches which is
where I found the ESA manual. I checked the knowledge center and my
own z/OS 2.2 and 2.4 collections all to no avail.
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