> more consideration should have been given to usability

If I were the product manager for z/OS, I probably would have thrown the 
tentative design out here on IBMMAIN for comment *before* it was "too late to 
make changes."

What a fabulous resource this list would be if used in that fashion: a hundred 
intelligent, experienced programmers willing to do volunteer software design 
for IBM. What a shame to let it go to waste.

> I dislike sequence numbers anyway

A completely different topic, but sequence numbers are obviously (I think. Am I 
wrong?) entirely a vestigial organ left from the days of punched cards. They 
were a lifesaver if you dropped your cards on the floor, and the compilers put 
out a warning if you loaded the cards into the reader in incorrect order. But 
do sequence numbers have a lick of value today? 


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: 32760? (was: PARMDD?)

On Sun, 7 Apr 2013 09:51:48 -0400, Peter Relson wrote:

>>ISPF also supports sequence numbers for RECFM=VB; I hope that you're 
>>not saying that those are not stripped when FB sequence numbers are.
>That is exactly what I am saying. I suppose it comes down to: if it 
>hurts to do that, then don't do that.
I agree.  I dislike sequence numbers anyway.

>The rules will be documented. As with most things, you get to decide 
>what that implies to your usage.
I see three main levels of implementation quality.

1) The function is incomplete.

2) The Turing Tarpit in which everything is possible but nothing
    of interest is easy. -- Alan Perlis.

3) Functional completeness with user friendliness.

The PARMDD rules, like much of JCL, (will) fall squarely in category (2).  
Circa 1964, there was an excuse: IBM was in a desperate rush to get OS/360 out 
the door and into revenue.  Things _should_ be different in the 21st Century.  
z/OS is vastly more complex than
OS/360 and proportionally more consideration should have been given to 

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