
A LONG time ago I asked via GUIDE req that SMPE support VB type files.
I think it came back as either rej or FO (sorry its been 30 years). I think the reason IBM gave was that IEBUPDTE would really only support FB. Talk about *************************. Everybody was furious. IBM (to this day) ships clists out as 80 byte images. I stopped supporting IBM clists and would convert any (1 or 2) that I ever found to VB. As a consequence none of IBM's clist libraries never made it to general usage.
IBM really missed the boat on this.


On Apr 7, 2013, at 1:44 PM, Skip Robinson wrote:

++MACUPD and ++SRCUPD depend entirely on FB sequence numbers. Without
sequence numbers, every macro or source 'update' would have to be
delivered as a complete replacement. For better or worse.

I don't believe that VB sequence numbers have the same requirement because few (if any?) SMPE elements are delivered in VB format. At least not with
sequence numbers.

JO.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

From:   Charles Mills <>
Date:   04/07/2013 11:35 AM
Subject:        Re: 32760? (was: PARMDD?)
Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM->

more consideration should have been given to usability

If I were the product manager for z/OS, I probably would have thrown the tentative design out here on IBMMAIN for comment *before* it was "too late
to make changes."

What a fabulous resource this list would be if used in that fashion: a
hundred intelligent, experienced programmers willing to do volunteer
software design for IBM. What a shame to let it go to waste.

I dislike sequence numbers anyway

A completely different topic, but sequence numbers are obviously (I think.
Am I wrong?) entirely a vestigial organ left from the days of punched
cards. They were a lifesaver if you dropped your cards on the floor, and the compilers put out a warning if you loaded the cards into the reader in
incorrect order. But do sequence numbers have a lick of value today?


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-] On
Behalf Of Paul Gilmartin
Sent: Sunday, April 07, 2013 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: 32760? (was: PARMDD?)

On Sun, 7 Apr 2013 09:51:48 -0400, Peter Relson wrote:

ISPF also supports sequence numbers for RECFM=VB; I hope that you're
not saying that those are not stripped when FB sequence numbers are.

That is exactly what I am saying. I suppose it comes down to: if it
hurts to do that, then don't do that.

I agree.  I dislike sequence numbers anyway.

The rules will be documented. As with most things, you get to decide
what that implies to your usage.

I see three main levels of implementation quality.

1) The function is incomplete.

2) The Turing Tarpit in which everything is possible but nothing
    of interest is easy. -- Alan Perlis.

3) Functional completeness with user friendliness.

The PARMDD rules, like much of JCL, (will) fall squarely in category (2). Circa 1964, there was an excuse: IBM was in a desperate rush to get OS/360 out the door and into revenue. Things _should_ be different in the 21st
Century.  z/OS is vastly more complex than
OS/360 and proportionally more consideration should have been given to

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