On 7/07/2022 7:53 pm, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
On 06.07.2022 11:03, Seymour J Metz wrote:
When I select a language for a job, one of the things that I look at is the ecosystem. I prefer ooRexx to Perl, but I find myself using Perl for some tasks because CPAN is an awesome resource. Python may not be the best language for the task at hand, but it pays to check what packages are available.

Indeed Perl and Python have a great wealth of libraries available to them.

Perls moribund. It's fallen off a cliff since it's heyday. Same with Ruby. Poorly designed programming languages only last as long as there is nothing better to replace them.


There is one ecosystem that beats Perl, Python and practically any others: Java. For every problem domain, for new emerging technologies there are Java class libraries which one can take advantage of. As Java classes get compiled to intermediate byte code, these Java class libraries can be deployed and used immediately on any hardware and any operating system for which a Java virtual machine exists.

That's debatable! I'm a full time Java programmer in the last few years and I like. We use Spring Boot which is a high quality framework that makes it pleasant to use. I would use SB even for a slightly complex command line interface. However, the build systems are a bit spotty compared to Node.js, Python etc. Maven is creaking with it's ugly XML pom.xml and Gradle doesn't work very well on some systems. In particular, z/OS. C# is a far better language then Java. I don't use it because I because I'm not a Windows guy but I look on in envy. Kotlin meets 95% of the requirements but we dismissed it because it's not mainstream so we're stuck with Java.

I was surprised to notice when I followed Timothy's link to the TIOBE index that C++ is about to leapfrog Java. https://www.tiobe.com/tiobe-index/.  The article cites rapid standard rollouts and ground breaking new features such as co-routines. As a Lua fan I can't for C++ co-routines. On TIOBE Lua has raced back into the top 20 which is due to the surging popularity of gaming frameworks such as Roblox.

Since C++11 the language has evolved into a language that some experts have called Pythonic [1]. We're using the new z/OS Open XL C/C++ and it's a breath of fresh air. You need to be a good programmer to be proficient at C++ but IBM are delivering the goods on z/OS.

[1] https://preshing.com/20141202/cpp-has-become-more-pythonic/

The Java runtime environment (JRE) already comes with a wealth of professional and tested class libraries covering practically all aspects of modern programming, covering everything that any modern application may have a need to exploit and interact with.

Yes. But you need to use Open Source libraries for it to be easy to use. The JRE doesn't cut it.

Seeing the OpenJDK (open-source Java) community and how vigorously Java gets developed further, continually updated in critical areas like security, there is no end in sight for this great ecosystem. Witnessing also OpenJDK distributions (from Java 8 LTS to the latest Java 18) from IBM, Amazon, SAP, even Microsoft, and many, many more competent and leading IT-related companies, the support for Java is unique compared to any other software there is.

One of the reasons for the surge in C++ is because Java is flabby. It's uses a huge amount of memory and GC is costly in visualized environments. GraalVM is a valiant attempt to solve that problem. Hopefully OpenJ9 will do something similar.

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