thanks, yes we got as much bang out of the box as we could before EOS, and the plan was to 'outsource' or move the prod processing to a cloud provider. now it looks like leadership has decided to purchase a new processor, but they'd like to get every bit of juice out of this box before they 'NEED' replace it.

thanks for your response


On 8/18/2022 2:22 PM, Radoslaw Skorupka wrote:
AFAIK it is not yet announced, but it seems it could be 2026 or 2027. I mean EOS - end of support. However this is one of several "end of life" dates. You cannot purchase any upgrade to z13, including microcode activation of resources already present in the machine. z/OS 2.5 still supports z13, so most of the software will work on it as well (there are exceptions).

So, the platform is moribund - it is still supported, but no HW upgrades and it seems z/OS 2.6 will not support it. Good time to change it.

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